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Lessons to Learn from Karbala - Reading for Kids

5 Lessons to Learn from Karbala

Loyalty, Standing up for what’s right, determination to walk on the right path, forgiveness and steadfastness are 5 most important lessons learn’t from Karbala.
This is the time to remember these lessons and teach them to our children.

1. Staying Loyal to your Moral Values

Staying Loyal to your Moral ValuesOn the eve of battle, Imam Hussain offered his companions the chance to abandon the fight. All chose to stay and uphold the values they considered most dear: Integrity and Justice. 

2. Standing up for What's Right

Standing up for whats rightImam Hussain refused to compromise in his pursuit of justice until the very end. He chose to do what was right than what was easy, even if it cost him his life.

3. It's never too late to do the right thing

Its never too late to do the right thing - Kids story lessons

Hurr was a commander in Yazid’s army. Conscience stirred by the realization that the opposers had done no wrong, he abandoned his post to stand by Imam Hussain’s side.

4. Forgive People for the greater good

Forgive People for the greater goodOutnumbered by 300:1, Imam Hussain had nothing to gain from forgiving Hurr. Yet, he welcomed upon seeing Hurr’s sincerity, Hurr and Hussain then fought and died together.

5.Remain Steadfast in your struggle

Remain Steadfast in your struggle - Kids Stories OnlineOn the day of Ashura, Imam Hussain witnessed those he loved, killed in battle or imprisoned. In his final moments, he preserved with patience and prayer, motivated by his God-ordained mission to protect mankind from tyranny.

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